Thursday, September 22, 2022

Staying in the game during Volatility and Riskon


Whenever there is fear or volatility in the markets, many investors pause or stop SIP due to fear taking over rational thinking. They fear market could fall further and they may suffer more losses. However, they must realise that volatility and temporary fall in value is what they signed up for when they got into equity as an investment vehicle. 

Allowing emotions to take over has serious cost to long term wealth creation and overall returns suffer. When at the very time we are supposed to increase our SIP to take advantage of discount sale, our human biases of loss aversion will make us blind towards rational view. (see table) The growth rate of uninterrupted SIPs continues to deliver better results compared to the ones that are paused and restarted. Besides, it also helps to be on track from a goal-based investment perspective.

the Original chart appeared here in this article of livemint

Sunday, September 18, 2022

What Investing Risks do you face and what do they mean?

 Risk simply denotes the probability of not getting back the full amount invested, or the possiblity of original investment declining in its value.

Deciding not to invest also carries a risk, as your money looses value due to inflation. Rs 100 today will be worth say Rs 94 or lesser after a year as Rs 6 is eaten away by inflation. 

This is the risk of not acting, not investing.

As a broad rule, an inflation of 6% over 10 years will reduce the real value of money by 50% approximately. 

The key to successful investment is to not avoid risk but striking a balance between Risk and Reward.

Why Fixed deposit is very risky inspite of looking safe ?

Assume you  had Rs. 1 Lakh in 1980:

Rs 1 lakh in 1980 was equivalent to 15 plots of land in Bangalore in 1980.Value of  those 15 plots are between 2-5 crores today.

Rs 1 lakh in 1980 in BSE sensex is now 6 crores today. So Investment of 1 lakh has become 6 crores in 2022

If that was kept that in fixed deposit, Value is Rs 42 lakhs now.

One can't buy even buy two room flat in Bangalore now for Rs 42 lakhs

The fixed deposit investor has become poor now inspite of investing in a fixed income generating asset.

Fixed deposits are good, but you should know when to use it and how much